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It is never easy to confront a problem with someone you love, particularly if the person is older than you, like a parent, or is not used to taking your advice. Here are some helpful hints for managing this kind of problem:

  • Begin a dialogue and encourage your loved one to talk about the problem. You can start the conversation by saying, "I’ve noticed that when we talk in person, or over the telephone, you don’t always understand what I say, or you ask me to repeat myself."
  • Bring some relevant literature with you like the quiz below on hearing loss. Ask your loved one to go over the quiz with you, or leave it for him or her to do alone later. The person may be shy to confront the problem with you, and may need some time to adjust to the idea that other people have noticed his or her trouble hearing.
  • Encourage your loved one to talk to his or her doctor, or if you accompany him or her to medical appointments, ask the doctor directly about hearing loss.
  • Remember to be patient. People are often embarrassed or discouraged by hearing loss. They don’t want to have to wear a visible device on their ear. They don’t want other people to know they may be suffering from hearing loss. Let them know that recent advances have improved hearing technologies, and that hearing aids connect to their phones, tablets and other devices allowing them to stay connected better.

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