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Effects of Untreated or Under-Treated Hearing Loss

Hearing loss and tinnitus are significant medical problems affecting over 42 million Americans. This isn’t just a nuisance; it’s a serious issue that can lead to frustration, embarrassment, loneliness, and isolation. People with untreated hearing loss often feel left out of conversations and fear making mistakes when they do participate. The risk of falling is two to three times higher for those with untreated hearing loss, and falls are the number one cause of injury-related deaths in seniors. Perhaps most alarmingly, untreated hearing loss and tinnitus increase the risk of memory loss and dementia by 200-500%.

Stopping or slowing this progressive disease becomes harder the longer it goes untreated and the older you are when you finally seek treatment. The impacts of untreated hearing loss can lead to very difficult, painful, and costly situations for you and your loved ones.

Financial Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

Ignoring early signs of hearing loss and tinnitus can lead to significant financial burdens later on. For example, the average cost of a fall for a senior is $30,000, with costs rising as the person gets older. The price of hearing aids and treatment might seem high initially, but it's a small investment compared to the potential costs of falls and other complications.

Real-Life Experiences

Many patients regret waiting to seek treatment. One patient, J. Larson from Orem, Utah, said, “I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long. I feel like I gave up years of my life because I wasn’t willing to invest in my own health and well-being.” Loved ones of our patients often express similar sentiments. L. Durfee from Saratoga Springs, Utah, said, “You’ve brought my husband back to who I remember him being years ago. I wish we wouldn’t have waited so long. I feel like we gave up years of our lives together.”

A Case Study

We recently had a couple in our office where the husband had resisted treating his known hearing loss for over ten years because he thought it made him look old and was worried about the expense. The toll it took on their marriage was obvious, and his wife was at her wit's end. After extensive testing and fitting him with appropriate hearing aids, he could hear his wife clearly for the first time in years. She burst into tears, both thrilled and sad, saying, “If only we would have done this years ago! We missed out on so many wonderful trips and opportunities because I didn’t want to deal with the frustration of him not hearing.”

The Choice is Yours

Which life do you want to live? One with avoidance and isolation or one with rich connections and vibrant relationships? Do you want to live with regret about what could have been?

It might sound pushy, but we're sincere in letting you reflect on this. We would all do anything for our loved ones, but are we actually doing everything? If you have a loved one suffering from hearing loss, what are you willing to do to convince them to start treatment right away? If you’ve noticed symptoms of hearing loss or tinnitus yourself, what are you still missing out on by waiting?

Time to Act

We all try to manage everything life throws our way, but it's not about the quantity of time we have; it's about the quality of that time. Our goal is to ensure you have more life in your remaining years. This isn't just about turning up the TV or constantly saying "what?"; it's about the quality of time you’ll have with your loved ones. Many people realize this during the holidays and resolve to do something about it.

“Aging is inevitable, but decline is optional!”

Most adults don't want to suffer from the physical or emotional injuries caused by hearing loss or tinnitus. Now is the time you are most at risk. Hearing loss creeps up on you, and you make small changes over time to live with it. Eventually, you avoid conversations and social situations you once loved because they become too tiring.

We’re Here to Help

We are on a mission to let people know it doesn’t have to be this way. If any of this sounds familiar, a qualified hearing healthcare professional can help give you and your loved ones the quality years you deserve. Even if you don’t choose to get help with us, please get help somewhere.

Your future self and your loved ones will thank you.

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