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If you or your loved one are not sure about their hearing, here are a few questions to ask them: If the answer is “yes” to three or more of these questions, there could be a hearing problem and you should schedule an appointment with one of our clinicians. If you suspect you or your…

It is never easy to confront a problem with someone you love, particularly if the person is older than you, like a parent, or is not used to taking your advice. Here are some helpful hints for managing this kind of problem:

Our bodies are complex systems where different parts often impact each other in surprising ways. When we look at the details of how cardiovascular health affects our ability to hear, it becomes evident that looking after our hearts could also mean protecting our hearing. February is American Heart Month– but what does your hearing have…

Because Lenire Treatment is so new, many potential patients want to know what the treatment process actually entails. The Lenire treatment journey typically involves several steps: Throughout this process, our team provides ongoing support and guidance. We understand that dealing with tinnitus can be challenging, and we’re committed to helping our patients every step of…

We hear a lot about air pollution and its effects on our health- especially in Utah during the winter time.  However, did you know that NOISE pollution can be just as dangerous and most people aren’t aware it even exists! Harmful Effects of Noise Pollution Noise pollution (sometimes called sound pollution) refers to excessive or…

1. Do They Have Extensive Experience? Our professionals have over 40 years of combined experience and have treated over 7000 patients in Utah County over the last 20 years. Experience matters in finding the best treatment plan for each unique patient! 2. Do They Think Brain First? We actually hear with our brains and not…

by: Dr. Layne Garrett, AuD Have you ever noticed how drained you feel after a long day of conversations, meetings, or even casual social interactions? If you’re living with untreated hearing loss, this fatigue isn’t just in your head. It’s a real phenomenon called listening fatigue, and it’s a common side effect of hearing loss. At…

Not Just About Hearing At Timpanogos Hearing & Tinnitus, we go a step further than many hearing clinics by monitoring health concerns that relate to hearing. One of these important concerns is the possibility of falling which is increased by untreated hearing loss. Backed by solid research, the correlation between falls and hearing loss is…

by: Dr. Layne Garrett, AuD Many people believe that hearing loss is simply a part of the aging process that happens as you get older.  We often tell people that while hearing loss is common (think like 30% of those over 65 and 55% for those over 75), it is NOT normal. Hearing loss is…

by: Dr. Layne Garrett, AuD New and Frightening Information For Young People Scary information was recently published in the British Medical Journal Global Health.  Somewhere between 670 million and 1.35 billion young people are risking their hearing by listening to music too loud, going to loud concerts and nightclubs, and other risky listening activities.  Hearing…

Your 5‐Star Rated & Audiologist In American & Spanish Fork, UT
It's easy to see why they have been #1 in the state so many years! —Stuart D.
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The reviews listed are from actual patients of Timpanogos Hearing & balance. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
What To Expect On Your First Visit Let’s Have A No‐Pressure Conversation To Get You The Help You Deserve.
  • Discuss Your Goals
  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluation
  • Custom Treatment Plan
  • Flexible Financing Discussion
  • Bonus: Copy of Dr. Layne Garrett and Dr. Keith Darrow's Book
Our Locations
343 S 500 E American Fork, UT 84003 Get Directions (801) 763-0724 Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6pm Friday: 9am - 3pm
642 Kirby Ln, Suite 102 Spanish Fork, UT 84660 Get Directions (801) 763-0724 Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm Friday: 8am - 12pm
We Service All The Following Towns & Their Surrounding Areas